Gestalt Community Schools is monitoring the rapidly evolving news on the spread of COVID-19 in the Memphis area. This webpage centralizes information and resources for our Village. Please check this page regularly for updates. The health and safety of our scholars and community remain our top priorities and drive our decision-making process.
Free COVID-19 testing
We will provide free, on-site COVID-19 testing for all adults and children in our buildings. The testing will be done on campus by a medical personnel. Parents, we ask that you indicate your permission or not for testing. Our goal is to get over 75% of each school building engaged in weekly COVID-19 testing. You will indicate your preference in the family choice survey below. All COVID-19 results will remain confidential.
Since May 2020, our team has been hard at work developing safe pathways for in-person learning. You will find further information on our safe in-person learning plans by reading our Family Guide to School Reentry. Click here for the English version and click here for the Spanish version.
We are so proud of our scholars and staff for their diligence. For more information on our Village’s safety protocols, click the links below.
- Safety protocols (English)
- Safety protocols (Spanish)
- Case notification protocol (English)
- Case notification protocol (Spanish)
- Returning to school (English)
- Returning to school (Spanish)
Family resources in Memphis
There are organizations and agencies in Memphis that are helping families. Please review the following resource list.
Safety videos
Please take a moment to watch our Uknight safety videos, which outline the steps we’re taking to keep our Village safe and healthy.